Tuesday 28 June 2016

Fantasy Short Films

The first film I chose to look at was an Award Winning Fantasy Film about time travel called Paradox. Although it did not follow the idea that I wish to pursue of setting my film in the modern day with more hints to stereotypical fantasy, I thought that this film was very interesting and enjoyed the spin at the end.

I like the idea of twisting the fate of the main character of the short film into doing something or having something done to them which is completely unexpected. I am considering doing something like this at the end of my own short film.

Unlike 'Paradox', the second short film I decided to look at was 'Honourbound' - which is not an Award Winning film. I liked the medieval or viking themes to the film. This film was a zero budget film and I was astounded by the quality and the professional approach to the editing that was used.

I like the idea of the narration at the beginning as well as the whole mystery around the cloaked figure. The editing is extremely well done an am hoping to use a similar technique throughout my own short film. The use of magic in this short film is also very well done and very realistic. This has given me some ideas which I am considering placing in my own film.

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